Reads a file inputfileDoodsonHarmonic and write it to outputfileDoodsonHarmonics. If set the spherical harmonics expansion is limited in the range between minDegree and maxDegree inclusivly. The useDoodson and ignoreDoodson can be used to filter the partial types that will be exported. Additional partial tides can be interpolated using the file inputfileAdmittance.
Name | Type | Annotation |
outputfileDoodsonHarmonics | filename | |
inputfileDoodsonHarmonics | filename | |
inputfileAdmittance | filename | interpolation of minor constituents |
useDoodson | doodson | use only these partial tides (additional tides will be interpolated) |
ignoreDoodson | doodson | ignore these partial tides |
minDegree | uint | |
maxDegree | uint | |
GM | double | Geocentric gravitational constant |
R | double | reference radius |