DEPRECATED. Please use StarCamera2Orbex instead.
Name | Type | Annotation |
outputfileOrbex | filename | ORBEX file |
inputfileTransmitterList | filename | ASCII list with transmitter PRNs |
inputfileAttitude | filename | instrument file containing attitude |
variablePrn | string | loop variable for PRNs from transmitter list |
timeSeries | timeSeries | resample to these epochs (otherwise input file epochs are used) |
earthRotation | earthRotation | rotate data into Earth-fixed frame |
interpolationDegree | uint | for attitude and Earth rotation interpolation |
description | string | description of file contents |
createdBy | string | name of agency |
inputData | string | description of input data (see ORBEX description) |
contact | string | email address |
referenceFrame | string | reference frame used in file |
comment | string |