
Compute antenna accuracies from observation inputfileResiduals. The inputfileStationInfo is needed to assign the residuals to the equipped antenna at observation times.

The outputfileAccuracyDefinition contains at first step the same accuracy information for all antennas as the input file. Only the azimuth $A$ and elevation $E$ dependent grid points of the patterns where enough residuals are available ($>$ minRedundancy) are replaced by estimated accuracy \[ \sigma(A,E) = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_i e_i^2(A,E)}{\sum_i r_i(A,E)}}, \]where $e_i$ are the azimuth and elevation dependent residuals and $r_i$ the corresponding redundancies (number of observations minus the contribution to the estimated parameters).

The inputfileAccuracyDefinition can be modified to the demands before with GnssAntennaDefinitionCreate (e.g. with antenna:resample).

To verify the results the outputfileAntennaMean and the accumulated outputfileAntennaRedundancy of the computed pattern grid points can be written.

Example: Analysis of TerraSAR-X residuals of one month shows that low elevation GPS satellites are not tracked by the onboard receiver. An estimation of accuracies for these directions is not possible from the residuals and the apriori accuracies are left untouched. The other directions show very low phase noise hardly elevation and azimuth dependent for L2W. A nearly zero mean indicates the use of adequate antennca center variations in the processing.

Figure: L2W accuracies of TerraSAR-X determined from residuals of one month

See also GnssResiduals2TransmitterAccuracyDefinition.

filenameelevation and azimuth dependent accuracy
filenameweighted mean of the residuals
filenameredundancy of adjustment
filenameapriori accuracies
filenameto assign residuals to antennas
booleanstationInfo is of a transmitter
doubleignore residuals with sigma/sigma0 greater than threshold
doublemin number of residuals. to estimate sigma
filenameGNSS receiver residuals