This program integrates an orbit from a given force function (dynamic orbit). The force functions are given by forces. For computation of non-conservative forces a satelliteModel is needed. The integration method must be selected with propagator. Because the orbit data are calculated in the celestial reference frame (CRF) you need earthRotation to transform the force function from the terrestrial reference frame (TRF). The integration start and end time, as well as the sampling, are derived from the timeSeries option. It is possible to integrate the arc in reverse, where the initial conditions are assumed to be met at the end time of the timeSeries.
Name | Type | Annotation |
outputfileOrbit | filename | orbit file to be written. |
inputfileSatelliteModel | filename | satellite macro model |
timeSeries | timeSeries | time points for simulated orbit epochs. |
integrationConstants | choice | |
kepler | sequence | |
majorAxis | double | [m] |
eccentricity | double | [-] |
inclination | angle | [degree] |
ascendingNode | angle | [degree] |
argumentOfPerigee | angle | [degree] |
meanAnomaly | angle | [degree] |
GM | double | Geocentric gravitational constant |
positionAndVelocity | sequence | |
position0x | double | [m] in CRF |
position0y | double | [m] in CRF |
position0z | double | [m] in CRF |
velocity0x | double | [m/s] |
velocity0y | double | [m/s] |
velocity0z | double | [m/s] |
file | sequence | |
inputfileOrbit | filename | only epoch at timeStart is used |
margin | double | [seconds] used when finding initial epoch in orbitFile |
propagator | orbitPropagator | orbit propagation method. |
earthRotation | earthRotation | |
ephemerides | ephemerides | |
forces | forces | considered in orbit propagation. |
reverse | boolean | start integration at last epoch in timeSeries, going backward in time. |