
This program simulates star camera measurements at each satellite's position. The satellite's orientation follows a local orbit frame with the x-axis in along track (along velocity), y-axis is cross track (normal to position and velocity vector) and z-axis pointing nadir (negative position vector). As for non circular orbit the position and velocity are not exact normal, the default is the x-axis to be exact along velocity and the z-axis forms a right hand system (not exact nadir) or with nadirPointing the z-axis is exact nadir and x-axis approximates along. The resulting rotation matrices rotate from satellite frame to inertial frame.

filenamerotation from satellite to inertial frame (x: along, y: cross, z: nadir)
filenameposition and velocity defines the orientation of the satellite at each epoch
booleanfalse: exact along and nearly nadir, true: nearly along and exact nadir
This program is parallelized.