StringTable (file format)
White space separated table of strings in row and columns.
Additional columns in a row may represent alternatives, e.g. for core stations in a GNSS network.
Comments are allowed and all the text from the character '#
' to the end of the line is ignored.
Strings containing white spaces or the '#
' character must be set in quotes ('""
# core network with alternative stations artu mdvj mdvo nril asc1 sthl bahr bhr1 yibl nama chat chti auck chpi braz ufpr savo ckis nium coco xmis dgar dgav cro1 scub abmf lmmf aoml daej taej suwn osn1 darw kat1 tow2 alic dav1 maw1 drao albh will holb nano fair whit glps guat gode godz usno usn3 goug