Basis splines

A time variable function is given by \[ f(x,t) = \sum_i f_i(x)\Psi_i(t), \]with the (spatial) coefficients $f_i(x)$ as parameters and the temporal basis functions $\Psi_i(t)$. Basis splines are defined as polynomials of degree $n$ in intervals between nodal points in time $t_i$:

where $\tau$ is the normlized time in each time interval \[ \tau_i = \frac{t-t_i}{t_{i+1}-t_i}. \]The total number of coefficients $f_i(x)$ is $N=N_t+n-1$, where $N_t$ is the count of nodal time points $t_i$ and $n$ is the degree.

Figure: Basis splines for different degrees with nodal points every 6 hours.