
Converts RINEX (version 2, 3, and 4) and Compact RINEX observation files to GnssReceiver Instrument file.

In case of RINEX v2.x observation files containing GLONASS satellites, a mapping from PRN to frequency number must be provided via inputfileMatrixPrn2FrequencyNumber in the form of a matrix file with columns: GLONASS PRN, mjdStart, mjdEnd, frequencyNumber. Source for mapping: http://semisys.gfz-potsdam.de/semisys/api/?symname=2002&format=json&satellite=GLO. RINEX v3+ observation files already contain this information.

useType and ignoreType can be used to filter the observation types that will be exported.

If inputfileStationInfo is set, RINEX antenna and receiver info will be cross-checked with the provided file and warnings are raised in case of differences.

A list of semi-codeless GPS receivers (observing C2D instead of C2W) can be provided via inputfileSemiCodelessReceivers in ASCII format with one receiver name per line. Observation types will be automatically corrected for these receivers.

Some LEO satellites use special RINEX observation types, either from the unofficial RINEX v2.20 or custom ones. These can be provided via inputfileSpecialObservationTypes in ASCII format. The file must must contain a table with two columns, the first being the special type, and the second being the equivalent RINEX v3 type.

filenameRINEX or Compact RINEX observation files
filename(required for RINEX v2 files containing GLONASS observations) GROOPS matrix with columns: GLONASS PRN, SVN, mjdStart, mjdEnd, frequencyNumber
filenameused to determine semi-codeless receivers and to cross-check antenna and receiver info
filenameASCII list with one receiver name per line
filenameASCII table mapping special observation types to RINEX 3 types, e.g.: LA L1C
gnssTypeonly use observations that match any of these patterns
gnssTypeignore observations that match any of these patterns