Kernel defines harmonic isotropic integral kernels $K$. \[ T(P) = \frac{1}{4\pi}\int_\Omega K(P,Q)\cdot f(Q)\,d\Omega(Q), \]where $T$ is the (disturbance)potential and $f$ is a functional on the spherical surface $\Omega$. The Kernel can be exapanded into a series of (fully normalized) legendre polynomials \[\label{eq.kernel} K(\cos\psi,r,R) = \sum_n \left(\frac{R}{r}\right)^{n+1} k_n\sqrt{2n+1}\bar{P}_n(\cos\psi). \]On the one hand the kernel defines the type of the functionals $f$ that are measured or have to be computed, e.g. gravity anomalies given by the Stokes-kernel. On the other hand the kernel functions can be used as basis functions to represent the gravity field, e.g. as spline functions or wavelets.
The geoid height is defined by Bruns formula \[ N = \frac{1}{\gamma}T \]with $T$ the disturbance potential and the normal gravity \[\label{normalgravity} \gamma = \gamma_0 - 0.30877\cdot 10^{-5}/s^2(1-0.00142\sin^2(B))h \]and \[ \gamma_0 = 9.780327\,m/s^2(1+0.0053024\sin^2(B)-0.0000058\sin^2(2B)) \]where $h$ is the ellipsoidal height in meter and $B$ the longitude.
The kernel is given by \[ K(\cos\psi,r,R) = \gamma\frac{R(r^2-R^2)}{l^3}, \]and the coefficients in \eqref{eq.kernel} are \[ k_n = \gamma. \]
Gravity anomalies in linearized form are defined by \[ \Delta g = -\frac{\partial T}{\partial r}-\frac{2}{r}T. \]The Stokes kernel is given by \[ K(\cos\psi,r,R) = \frac{2R^2}{l}-3\frac{Rl}{r^2}-\frac{R^2}{r^2}\cos\psi \left(5+3\ln\frac{l+r-R\cos\psi}{2r}\right), \]and the coefficients in \eqref{eq.kernel} are \[ k_n = \frac{R}{n-1}. \]
Gravity disturbances in linearized form are defined by \[ \delta g = -\frac{dT}{dr}. \]The Hotine kernel is given by \[ K(\cos\psi,r,R) = \frac{2R^2}{l}-R\ln\frac{l+R-r\cos\psi}{r(1-\cos\psi)}, \]and the coefficients in \eqref{eq.kernel} are \[ k_n = \frac{R}{n+1}. \]
The Abel-Poisson kernel is given by \[ K(\cos\psi,r,R) = \frac{R(r^2-R^2)}{l^3}, \]and the coefficients in \eqref{eq.kernel} are \[ k_n = 1. \]
This kernel defines a point mass or mass on a single layer ($1/l$-kernel) taking the effect of the loading into account.
The coefficients of the kernel defined in \eqref{eq.kernel} are \[ k_n = 4\pi G R\frac{1+k_n'}{2n+1}, \]where $G$ is the gravitational constant and $k_n'$ are the load Love numbers.
Name | Type | Annotation |
inputfileLoadingLoveNumber | filename |
Height of equivalent water columns taking the effect of the loading into account.
The coefficients of the kernel defined in \eqref{eq.kernel} are \[ k_n = 4\pi G \rho R\frac{1+k_n'}{2n+1}, \]where $G$ is the gravitational constant, $\rho$ is the density of water and $k_n'$ are the load Love numbers.
Name | Type | Annotation |
density | double | [kg/m**3] |
inputfileLoadingLoveNumber | filename |
Ocean bottom pressure caused by water and atmosphere masses columns taking the effect of the loading into account.
The coefficients of the kernel defined in \eqref{eq.kernel} are \[ k_n = \frac{4\pi G R }{\gamma}\frac{1+k_n'}{2n+1}, \]where $G$ is the gravitational constant, $\gamma$ is the normal gravity and $k_n'$ are the load Love numbers.
Name | Type | Annotation |
inputfileLoadingLoveNumber | filename |
Computes the radial deformation caused by loading.
The coefficients of the kernel defined in \eqref{eq.kernel} are \[ k_n = \gamma\frac{1+k_n'}{h_n'}, \]where $\gamma$ is the normal gravity defined in \eqref{normalgravity}, $h_n'$ and $k_n'$ are the load Love numbers and the load deformation Love numbers.
Name | Type | Annotation |
inputfileDeformationLoadLoveNumber | filename | |
inputfilePotentialLoadLoveNumber | filename | if full potential is given and not only loading potential |
This kernel defines the second radial derivative of the (disturbance) potential. \[ T_{rr} = \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial r^2}. \]The coefficients of the kernel defined in \eqref{eq.kernel} are \[ k_n = \frac{r^2}{(n+1)(n+2)}. \]
The kernel is defined by the coefficients $k_n$ given by file.
Name | Type | Annotation |
inputfileCoefficients | filename |
Another kernel is smoothed by a gauss filter which is defined by \[ F(\cos\psi) = \frac{b\cdot e^{-b(1-\cos\psi)}}{1-e^{-2b}} \]with $b = \frac{ln(2)}{1-\cos(r/R)}$ where $r$ is the given smoothing radius in km and $R=6378.1366$ km is the Earth radius. The coefficients $k_n$ of the kernel are multiplicated by \[ f_n = \frac{1}{2n+1} \int_{-1}^1 F(t)\cdot \bar{P}_n(t)\,dt. \]
Name | Type | Annotation |
kernel | kernel | |
radius | double | filter radius [km] |
Another kernel is smoothed by a Blackman low-pass filter. The filter is defined through the beginning and end of the transition from pass-band to stop-band. This transition band is specified by startDegreeTransition ($n_1$) and stopDegreeTransition ($n_2$).
The coefficients of this kernel are defined as \[ \begin{cases} 1 & \text{for } n < n_1 \\ A_n^2 & \text{for } n_1\leq n \leq n_2 \\ 0 & \text{for } n > n_2 \\ \end{cases} \]with \[ A_n = 0.42 + 0.5\cos(\pi \frac{n-n_1}{n_2-n_1}) + 0.08 \cos(2\pi\frac{n-n_1}{n_2-n_1}). \]
Name | Type | Annotation |
kernel | kernel | |
startDegreeTransition | uint | minimum degree in transition band |
stopDegreeTransition | uint | maximum degree in transition band |
Another kernel is truncated before minDegree and after maxDegree. The coefficients of this kernel are defined as \[ k_n = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{for } n_{\text{minDegree}} \leq n \leq n_{\text{maxDegree}}\\ 0 & \text{else.} \\ \end{cases} \]
Name | Type | Annotation |
kernel | kernel | |
minDegree | uint | truncate before minDegree |
maxDegree | uint | truncate after maxDegree |
The selenoid height is defined by Bruns formula \[ N = \frac{1}{\gamma}T \]with $T$ the disturbance potential and the normal gravity $\gamma=\frac{GM}{R^2}$ of the moon.
The kernel is given by \[ K(\cos\psi,r,R) = \gamma\frac{R(r^2-R^2)}{l^3}, \]and the coefficients in \eqref{eq.kernel} are \[ k_n = \gamma. \]