Definition and basic information of SLR ground stations.
See also SlrProcessing.
A list of station names must be provided via inputfileStationList.
It defines the variable {station}
for the station specific input files.
The inputfileStationInfo contains metadata information like station number,
station name and approximate station postion in terrestrial reference frame (TRF)
considering the station eccentricities. They can be created via SinexEccentricties2SlrPlatform
or PlatformCreate. The inputfileObservations are separate files
for each {station}
pair. They can be converted from CRD
format via Crd2NormalPoints, CSTG format via Cstg2NormalPoints
and MERIT II format via Merit2NormalPoints and Merit2FullRate.
The apriori observation weighting is defined by the expression accuracy in $[m]$.
The following variables are defined for each observation from the
inputfileObservations: {residual}
, {accuracy}
, {laserWavelength}
, {azimut}
, {elevation}
Observations with non-positive accuracies are removed.
This can be used for a rough outlier removal by an expression such as
accuracy = if(abs(residual)>30, NAN, accuracy)
The effects of loading and tidal deformation on station positions can be corrected for via loadingDisplacement and tidalDisplacement, respectively. Tidal deformations typically include:
- earthTide: Earth tidal deformations (IERS conventions)
doodsonHarmonicTide: ocean tidal deformations
(e.g. fes2014b_n720, minDegree=
) -
doodsonHarmonicTide: atmospheric tidal deformation
(e.g. AOD1B RL06, minDegree=
) - poleTide: pole tidal deformations (IERS conventions)
- poleOceanTide: ocean pole tidal deformations (IERS conventions)
Name | Type | Annotation |
inputfileStationList | filename | ascii file with station names |
inputfileStationInfo | filename | station metadata |
inputfileStationPosition | filename | station position |
inputfileObservations | filename | variable {station} {satellite} available |
accuracy | expression | [m] used for weighting, variables: {residual}, {accuracy}, {redundancy}, {laserWavelength}, {azimut}, {elevation} |
loadingDisplacement | gravityfield | loading deformation |
tidalDisplacement | tides | tidal deformation |
ephemerides | ephemerides | for tidal deformation |
inputfileDeformationLoadLoveNumber | filename | |
inputfilePotentialLoadLoveNumber | filename | if full potential is given and not only loading potential |
elevationCutOff | angle | [degree] ignore observations below cutoff |
interpolationDegree | uint | for position interpolation |