Defines the content of an xy-plot of PlotGraph. Multiple layers are are plotted sequentially. With plotOnSecondAxis the alternative y-axis on the right hand side can be selected if provided.
Draws a line and/or points (symbol) of xy data. The standard dataVariables are available to select the data columns of inputfileMatrix. If no color of the symbol is given a colorbar is required and the color is determined by valueZ. Additionally a vertical error bar can be plotted at each data point with size valueErrorBar.
See Gravityfield2AreaMeanTimeSeries for an example plot.
Name | Type | Annotation |
inputfileMatrix | filename | each line contains x,y |
valueX | expression | expression for x-values (input columns are named data0, data1, ...) |
valueY | expression | expression for y-values (input columns are named data0, data1, ...) |
valueZ | expression | expression for the colorbar |
valueErrorBar | expression | expression for error bars (input columns are named data0, data1, ...) |
description | string | text of the legend |
line | plotLine | |
symbol | plotSymbol | |
plotOnSecondAxis | boolean | draw dataset on a second Y-axis (if available). |
Draws a symmetrical envelope around valueY as function of valueX using deviations valueErrors. The standard dataVariables are available to select the data columns of inputfileMatrix. The data line itself is not plotted but must be added as extra layer:linesAndPoints.
Name | Type | Annotation |
inputfileMatrix | filename | each line contains x,y |
valueX | expression | expression for x-values (input columns are named data0, data1, ...) |
valueY | expression | expression for y-values (input columns are named data0, data1, ...) |
valueErrors | expression | expression for error values |
description | string | text of the legend |
fillColor | plotColor | fill color of the envelope |
edgeLine | plotLine | edge line style of the envelope |
plotOnSecondAxis | boolean | draw dataset on a second Y-axis (if available). |
Creates a bar plot with vertical or horizontal bars out of the given x- and y-values. The standard dataVariables are available to select the data columns of inputfileMatrix. The bars ranges from valueBase (can be also an expression) to the valueY. If no color is given a colorbar is required and the color is determined by valueZ.
See Instrument2Histogram for an example plot.
Name | Type | Annotation |
inputfileMatrix | filename | each line contains x,y |
valueX | expression | expression for x-values (input columns are named data0, data1, ...) |
valueY | expression | expression for y-values (input columns are named data0, data1, ...) |
valueZ | expression | expression for the colorbar |
valueBase | expression | base value of bars (default: minimum y-value) |
width | expression | width of bars (default: minimum x-gap) |
horizontal | boolean | draw horizontal bars instead of vertical |
description | string | text of the legend |
color | plotColor | |
edgeLine | plotLine | line |
plotOnSecondAxis | boolean | draw dataset on a second Y-axis (if available). |
Creates a regular grid of yxz values. The standard dataVariables are available to select the data columns of inputfileMatrix. Empty grid cells are not plotted. Cells with more than one value will be set to the mean value. The grid spacing is determined by the median spacing of the input data or set by incrementX/Y.
See Orbit2ArgumentOfLatitude for an example plot.
Name | Type | Annotation |
inputfileMatrix | filename | each line contains x,y,z |
valueX | expression | expression for x-values (input columns are named data0, data1, ...) |
valueY | expression | expression for y-values (input columns are named data0, data1, ...) |
valueZ | expression | expression for the colorbar |
incrementX | double | the grid spacing |
incrementY | double | the grid spacing |
plotOnSecondAxis | boolean | draw dataset on a second Y-axis (if available). |
Plots a rectangle to highlight an area.
Name | Type | Annotation |
minX | double | empty: left |
maxX | double | empty: right |
minY | double | empty: bottom |
maxY | double | empty: top |
description | string | text of the legend |
edgeLine | plotLine | |
fillColor | plotColor | |
plotOnSecondAxis | boolean | draw dataset on a second Y-axis (if available). |
Writes a text at originX and originY position in the graph. With clip the text is cutted at the boundaries of the plotting area.
Name | Type | Annotation |
text | string | |
originX | double | |
originY | double | |
offsetX | double | [cm] x-offset from origin |
offsetY | double | [cm] y-offset from origin |
alignment | string | L, C, R (left, center, right) and T, M, B (top, middle, bottom) |
fontSize | double | [pt] |
fontColor | plotColor | |
clip | boolean | clip at boundaries |
plotOnSecondAxis | boolean | draw dataset on a second Y-axis (if available). |
Plot degree amplitudes of potential coefficients computed by Gravityfield2DegreeAmplitudes or PotentialCoefficients2DegreeAmplitudes. The standard dataVariables are available to select the data columns of inputfileMatrix. It plots a solid line for the valueSignal and a dotted line for the valueError per default.
Name | Type | Annotation |
inputfileMatrix | filename | degree amplitudes |
valueDegree | expression | expression for x-values (degrees) (input columns are named data0, data1, ...) |
valueSignal | expression | expression for y-values (signal) (input columns are named data0, data1, ...) |
valueErrors | expression | expression for y-values (formal errors) |
description | string | text of the legend |
lineSignal | plotLine | |
lineErrors | plotLine | |
plotOnSecondAxis | boolean | draw dataset on a second Y-axis (if available). |
Plot degree amplitudes from a gravityfield. The coefficients can be converted to different functionals with kernel. If set the expansion is limited in the range between minDegree and maxDegree inclusivly. It plots a solid line for the degree amplitude (signal) and a dotted line for the formal errors per default.
This is a simplified version of layer:degreeAmplitudes.
Name | Type | Annotation |
gravityfield | gravityfield | |
kernel | kernel | |
type | choice | type of variances |
rms | degree amplitudes (square root of degree variances) | |
accumulation | cumulate variances over degrees | |
median | median of absolute values per degree | |
time | time | at this time the gravity field will be evaluated |
minDegree | uint | |
maxDegree | uint | |
description | string | text of the legend |
lineSignal | plotLine | |
lineErrors | plotLine | |
plotOnSecondAxis | boolean | draw dataset on a second Y-axis (if available). |